I have always been a fan of love notes. Receiving as well as creating love notes for others inspires me. To prove my point further, I have an entire box filled with some of my most memorable love notes of my childhood and I’ve saved ALL of the love notes I’ve ever received. Typically, we write love notes when we are happy and in blissful euphoric phases. However, what would it look like to write love notes when you’re unhappy, depressed or even angry?
I created Self Love Life 101 to reimagine conceptions of love in a more radical and holistic way. I want to remind you that even on your darkest days, you are [still] loved. Sometimes it seems impossible to remember this in the face of deep pain and adversity.
Self Love Life 101 seeks submissions from women who have a personal testimony of overcoming fear through intentional acts of self love. Themes may include:
~Fitness/weight loss
~Losing a loved one
~Professional battles
~Family disagreements
~Culture and society
~Marriage & relationships

Please send submissions of at least 700 words and a maximum of 1000 words (in an attached document) to selflovelife101@gmail.com. Selected submissions will be featured on Selflovelife101.com on Fridays. I look forward to hearing from you. Let’s self-heal through online spaces of love.